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Saturday, October 22, 2011

The journey so far - 3 - Kovalam

Kovalam is the one of the most sought after beaches along with those of Goa in India. A large number of foreign tourists arrive here every year and stay for months together.

Destination: Kovalam, Kerala
Distance from Bangalore: Approx. 800 kms (Via. Salem and Coimbatore)
Travel: Few buses are available from Bangalore to Kovalam/ Trivandrum but the best option would be train, if you aren't planning to take your 4 wheeler for a long drive!
Indian Railway operates many trains between B’lore and Trivandrum (Please check the timings with railway before you plan your travel.) Regular buses ply between Trivandrum & Kovalam, which is at 15kms.
Stay: There are rooms available from cheap beach side shacks to Leela Kempinsky. So it’s your call on what to take. Ask for home stays with road side hotel waalahs, you might strike a nice deal like we did!
To Do: Eve’s beach, Coconut grove and Light house beach are the main attraction.
The natural stone structure that stretches into the sea & occasional sights of dolphins are few attractions. The light house is another main place to visit where you can climb the spiral staircase to the top. The experience on the top of the light house is one of the best I have ever had. Wind blowing from the sea that seemed like throwing me down, people on the beach looking like tiny ants, Coconut tree palms fluttering in the wind, waves thundering against the beach and stone structure, a mosque at far away distance overlooking the sea and eagles floating & enjoying themselves in the speedy wind! It’s a really windy experience.
Food: Kovalam has many beach side hotels serving all types of cuisine. Try at your luck!
Highlights of the place: Eve’s beach in Kovalam has the clearest waters among the beaches I have visited so far in South India. The clean & clear waters make an enjoying experience while you are in water. It does not even stick or itch with sands when it dries down after getting out from the beach!
Places Nearby: If you are visiting Kovalam then you are in Trivandrum also. The capital city of Kerala is very close and has the famous Spiral Indian Coffee House, few nice beaches, museums & historic places in its list. The southern special Kanyakumari is approx 100kms from Kovalam.
Poovar is another small place very close by where one can see a magical combinations of backwaters, river, sea and a lake coming together. Govt of Kerala organizes a boating service in this river, please make necessary enquiry before approaching.
Things to remember: Kovalam does not have a great night life like Goa. So be home by 10pm if not to be warned by police.
Do not leave your valuables unattended on the beach side. If the thieves do not reach for it then the waves will!
Light house in Kovalam and museums in Trivandrum have timings set as 9am to 5pm. Please check before planning.
The coast guards have planted a red flag in the water at a distance from the beach, red means danger as everywhere!
And as always, boat house or sea please keep it litter free!
Happy & safe journey,

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