***Please do not litter while your are travelling. Carry back your trash along with your memories and help preserve the nature.

Spread the word!! From the mountains to the sea, lets keep our country litter free!!***

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Thursday, October 20, 2011

The journey so far - 1 - Hogenakkal

I am a late comer when it comes to blogging my travelling experiences, hence I have not accounted for any of my travels till the last month, Sept 2011. But that's one of the reasons why most of us carry those instruments called Camera ranging from tiny, slim (as size zero is the fashion now for cameras as well!) digital cameras to heavy, big looking SLRs & DSLRs. Whatever it may be, this one wonderful instrument is unavoidable in most of our journeys and I do not have to mention this to few of you who travel only to click :) Well, its the same for me too. Camera is a must!!
Firstly it was friends' digital cameras then came my own SONY W180 Digital camera, the one which actually helped me find the fun in clicking that trigger!! This has been my permanent companion in most of my travels so far.
Coming to the point, memories get rekindled when I see the photographs from those wonderful trips..So here I am making a photo book of my personal favorite clicks from those travels. A humble attempt to show what I found appealing and eye-pleasing over there!
A oarsman carrying his coracle, Hogenakkal
At the dusk

The road that leads from Palakkode to Hogenakkal is a sight to behold
Holidaying children
Catch me on FB for more pics... here I am..... !!

Destination: Hogenakkal, Tamilnadu.

Distance from Bangalore: 130 kms.

Route: Bangalore - Hosur - Rayakottai - Palacode - Pennagram - Hogenakkal.

Best time to visit: If you need to see the falls in its full majesty then head out during or just after peak monsoon. During other parts of the year, water will be low and one can enjoy the coracle rides.

Stay: If you are travelling from B'lore then stay over is not required, its a one day trip. Others can try the few options available at Hogenakkal or head out to Dharmapuri for a better result.

Food: Fish is the speciality of the area but make sure you try it from the right place. Veggies try the hotel on the right hand side when you walk towards falls from 2wheeler parking area.

To do: Hogenakkal has a falls view point and a rope bridge that stretches across the falls. Enjoy the coracle ride that takes you right under the falls (Yes, you do get the water to fall on you!) and spend some time on the small sand island enjoying fried fish. Try oil massages by localites at your own risk.

Highlights of the place: Walk to any Coracle oarsman and enquire about the 8km boat ride from shooting spot (further up the falls) to the falls. The oarsman takes his coracle with you in a goods auto (!) to a spot 8 kms from Hogenakkal and you can have your parcelled lunch there on the river banks (PLEASE DO NOT LITTER!). Later spend some time in the water (waters are shallow here but can be too fast flowing!) and set out for the 8km long boat ride backwards. The boat ride is scenic and you can do some bird watching (I literally mean!) and crocodiles if lucky! Once you are at the falls area, you got to alight from the coracle and climb the steps down with the oarsman for another ride under the falls.
Bargain well and strike a deal that includes boat ride, falls view and the goods auto fare also. Talk to him about the time you need to spend in water. Your bargaining abilities can save some bucks for sure!
You may spot some kids jumping from top of the rocks into the falls. Do not panic, thats just another show to earn few bucks. They come swimming to your coracle, take the price for their show (5 or 10 bucks) and climb back the rocks in few minutes.

Places nearby: Hogenakkal does not have anyother tourist places within close proximity. But if you are travelling from long and wish to take the complete worth of your trip then you may check out the hill station Yercaud near Salem (approx 120kms).

Things to remember: One always must take extra care while near a water body. Do not plunge into waters.
It might be more than humid out there so carry your sunscreens if you are one of those skin-freak types.
The foremost, the waterfall is already polluted to the maximum. Please do not add your bit into it thinking that does not make any difference. Please carry your trash.

Happy & Safe Journey,

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