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Thursday, October 20, 2011

A Story makes journey a bigger fun!! So here's one.....

Somebody somewhere overheard this story and I’m putting it down here for you…
Long long ago, even before mankind existed, the beautiful blue earth was the playground for the all young demi-gods from the heaven. They were allowed to play anywhere on earth but had to return to heaven before the night arrived. The young gods, who were all excited by the beauty & charm of this mesmerizing planet, used to spend their entire day playing around the lush green meadows & cascading waterfalls. They were truly fascinated about this wonderful place but at the end of the day they had to get back home. Very reluctantly they used to return, hoping for the sun to rise soon so that they could return to earth. Every day passed by likewise with these gods playing around & admiring the beauty of the earth. And then came that day, that rainy morning in a monsoon, few of the young gods came down to a new place on earth where they had never been before. It was so enchanting and spell-binding! Each one of them went in different directions admiring the breath- taking view surrounding them. The mountains were engulfed in puffy clouds; the rains were adding to the effect and creating a magnificent aura around them. Dusk was fast approaching and soon the time came for them to head back. But it was then each one of them realized that they had wandered far away from their group and nobody knew where they were or how to get back together. They roamed all around the place, which had captured them with its magical beauty, but in vain. Each one saw the sun going down but from different places, all alone, stranded. They were clueless on how to get back or at least get together. They were all lost in the charming beauty of this place. The paradise on earth had captivated them and they had no option but to stay back. The beauty had made them forget their heavenly comforts and love the place they stood. The gods chose it as their abode forever and never returned.

Hundreds of thousands of monsoons later…..
The scenic stretch of Western Ghats, Sahyadri Mountain range passes through Dakshina Kannada, Kodagu, Chickmagalore, Udupi & Shimoga districts of Karnataka. They form numerous hills like Kumara Parvatha, OmbathuGudde, Kudremukha, Kodachadri etc.  Around these mountains are some of the most divine temples like Kukke Subrahmanya, Dharmasthala, Shrungeri and Kollur. People believe that the gods themselves live here in these tiny temple towns, blessing all their devotees abundantly. May be the gods were made to stay for some reason or did something charm them so much that they could not return to heaven?!! Nobody has an answer! Like most Indians do, if you look skywards sighing ‘God alone knows’ then the first sight you catch is the impeccable Western Ghats stand hovering high like a lone witness to all overheard stories, smiling to itself!
Even today, the Western Ghats continue to charm everyone with its glorious landscapes & cloud-clad mountain ranges. It has something to offer every kind of human being. A green blanket to a nature lover, a picture perfect frame for a photographer, sailing clouds to inspire the poet in you, sparkling water to rekindle the child in you, serene sun rises & sun sets to invoke your spiritual side, climate that can turn your romantic nerves on!!!! It is a never ending source of fantasy!!

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